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Participatory Budget Promotion Plan of Carbon Reduction







其中,邀請對於減碳方案參與式預算推動計畫有興趣的居民、青年學子及相關工作人員,參與培力課程, 創造學習與交流的平臺 ,並引導參與者在提案工作坊完成提案撰寫,以及提供民眾提案撰寫諮詢。






The participatory budget plan of carbon reduction was promoted In the Yingge District of New Taipei City, and integrated the four foundations of low carbon campus, low carbon village, renewable energy and local diet to strengthen the concept of low carbon emission.

Local training and guiding

Our team conducted participatory budget briefings, training courses, workshops and other activities for the local community based on local resource analysis and related research, in order to enhance public participation in public policies, as well as the focal issue of carbon reduction.

This project Invited residents, young students and related staff, who are interested in the participatory budget promotion plan of carbon reduction, to participate in the training course, creating a platform for learning and communication, as well as to guide participants to complete their written proposal in the workshop and provide consultation for public proposal writing.

gradual realization and expanding participation

In the final stages of the workshop, proposal deliberation amongst all the participatory groups were held and open to the public for consideration. Public and private sectors as well as the public proposal implementation team were invited to improve the concept to a concrete and feasible project via a democratic deliberation. The finalized projects were made into a presentation or video, which was then broadcasted on the event website or voting venues. After the proposal is completed, our team also expanded public participation and exposed the issues by organizing static and online displays, results presentations, and voting promotion.

Execution year: 2017

Authorizing Agency: Department of Environmental Protection New Taipei City Government

Keywords: energy education, Participatory Budget, public participation

  • 執行時間:2017年

  • 主辦機關:新北市政府環境保護局

  • 執行團隊:景澤創意有限公司

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