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海綿家族 |新海三期人工濕地

作家相片: 景澤創意景澤創意



終於輪到新海家族的第三位成員出現啦! 在民國99年完工的新海三期人工濕地,是新海濕地中最年輕的一處人工濕地。新海家族的三個濕地攜手處理新海抽水站系統的市區排水,其中,場址面積擁有6.5公頃的新海三期濕地,每天可以處理高達5,000公噸的都市生活污水。

跟其他家族成員相比,新海三期有什麼特別的呢? 新海三期人工濕地當初的設計概念,是以本土水田的意象,設置1.88公頃的水生經濟作物區,區內包含了荷花池、水稻田,以及筊白筍、空心菜、水芋、芡實、菱角、荷花、及龍骨瓣莕菜等農村常見作物,除了可進行水質淨化外,同時也呈現水田裡常見的水生經濟作物與蜻蜓、青蛙等動物不期而遇的生態樣貌,讓居住在都會地區的市民們有就近探訪農田風光的機會,尤其是在春夏期間,可以在新月橋畔欣賞充滿荷花盛開的美景喔!

更多詳細資訊歡迎追蹤 @大漢溪濕地生態廊道服務中心


濕地小教室 - 濕地的微氣候調節功能


在都市化土地急遽擴張的當代,人工鋪面不透水、綠化面積少、水泥建物密集的都市地區,形成一座座高溫、不易散熱的都市熱島(Urban Heat Island),這樣的環境如果周邊擁有一處濕地,濕地的冷空氣與都市的熱空氣產生對流,形成一種冷島效應(Cool Island Effect),進而讓都市環境的高溫現象得以緩解。 #海綿家族 #新海三期人工濕地

參考資料 新北市政府高灘地工程管理處( 吳富春、李長穎,2004,水田生態環境微氣候之量測與數值模擬


【Sponge Family | Xinhai Ⅲ Artificial Wetland 】

: "Just by looking at the ear of rice on my hand, you know that you won’t be afraid of being hungry when you come here! In addition to the rice fields, there is also a lotus pond here. However, you can't steal it! I'll be watching you! "


It is the turn of the third member of the Xinhai Family ! Xinhai Ⅲ Artificial Wetland completed in 2010 is the youngest artificial wetland in Xinhai wetland. The three wetlands of the Xinhai Family work together to deal with the urban drainage of the Xinhai pumping station system. Xinhai Ⅲ Artificial Wetland is 6.5 hectares in area, and it can treat sewage up to 5,000 metric tons of municipal per day.

Compared with other Xinhai Family members, what is special about Xinhai Ⅲ Artificial Wetland? Xinhai Ⅲ Artificial Wetland set up a 1.88-hectare area of ​​aquatic cash crops that the original design concept of it based on the image of local paddy fields. The area includes lotus ponds, paddy fields, as well as common crops in rural areas such as bamboo shoots, water spinach, calla, gorgon, water chestnut, lotus, and keel petals. In addition to water purification, it also presents the ecological appearance of common aquatic crops in paddy fields and animals such as dragonflies and frogs. Let citizens living in urban areas have the opportunity to visit the farmland scenery nearby. Especially in the spring and summer, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery full of lotus flowers by the Crescent Bridge!

For more details, welcome to follow @Dahan River Wetland Tourism Center


Wetland Classroom - Microclimate Regulation Function of Wetlands

Microclimate regulation is one of the most important ecosystem services of wetlands. Water bodies in wetland can reduce heat energy in the air by evaporation, and the plants in wetlands can also take away heat energy through evapotranspiration, thereby achieving the effect of cooling the wetland environment. Taking paddy field wetlands as an example, some studies have shown that each hectare of paddy field has a cooling effect equivalent to 620 air conditioners!

In the era of rapid expansion of urbanized land, Urban areas where artificial pavement is impermeable, green area is small, and cement buildings are dense form Urban Heat Islands with high temperature and difficult to dissipate heat. If there is a wetland around the environment ,which makes the cold air of the wetland and the hot air of the city produce convection, it will form a Cool Island Effect. In turn, the high temperature phenomenon in the urban environment can be alleviated.

References New Taipei City Government High Riverbank Construction Management Office( Fu-Chun Wu, & Chang-Ying Lee(2004). Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Paddy Field Ecoenvironment and Microclimate



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