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New Taipei City Wetland ArtFest





新北濕地藝術季所展出之作品,藝術家皆以自然素材建構完成。Ivan F. Moran的作品《蘆葦迷宮》,即使用竹子、溪畔長型水草、棉繩創作,象徵人工濕地如同汙水的迷宮,汙水須經各種小徑,才能重返水循環。林秀蘋以漂流木、桂竹、樹藤創作作品《回巢》,以此向大地母親致敬。顏妤真的《現形記》使用竹子與麻繩製作,探索人與自然的親密依存、建立主客關係。陳瑞錦採用稻草與棉繩製作《向上》,以野外蟻窩的意象,呼應螞蟻之於生態循環中扮演的解構角色,以此譬擬菌類之於濕地生態系統般的重要性存在。蔡宜樺與蔡依潔的共同創作《迴圓》,則是使用漂流木等材料,擬仿人與環境的關係與角色扮演。








The “New Taipei City Wetland ArtFest” has been held since 2017. A subproject for the "New Taipei City Constructed Wetland Environmental Education Promotion Plan" commissioned by the New Taipei City Government's High Riverbank Construction Management Office.


This annual art festival has been organized to deliver the importance and core values of constructed wetlands along the Danhan River, through the implication of environmental education from artists’ creations at Xinhai phase II Constructed Wetland (under the Crescent Bridge on the side of the Banqiao area).


Diversity of wetlands as the festival theme

In 2017, the first event, with the theme of “Rhythm of Wetlands", establishes the connection between wetland and people.


"Rhythm" is movements with a pattern or rhythmic beats that humans learn from nature. Building constructed wetlands to purify sewage may look like humans controlling nature, but all processes are actually under the rhythm of nature.


In 2018, the theme of the second ArtFest is "Symbiosis" which reflects how humans can coexist with wetlands peacefully with mutual benefits.


The artworks exhibited in the ArtFest were completed made from natural materials. "Grass Labyrinth" by Ivan F. Moran, created with bamboo, long-stemmed aquatic plants and cotton ropes, symbolized constructed wetland as a maze of sewage. The sewage has to go through various paths, so that it can return to the clean water cycle.


Lin, Hsiu - Ping paid tribute to Mother Earth with her creation of "Homecoming", which was made with driftwood, Makino bamboo, and tree vines. "Reveal" was created with bamboo and hemp rope by Yen, Yu - Chen, to explore the intimate connection between humans and nature, and establish the host-guest relationship with the natural environment.


Chen, Ah - Gim used straws and cotton rope to make "Upward", with the imagery of a large vertical ant nest, this piece echoes the ant’s role of decomposition in ecosystem cycles, as well as representing the importance of fungi to the wetland ecosystem.


Tsai, I - Hua and Tsai, Yi - Chieh's co-created "Circle" with driftwood to simulate the relationship between humans and the environment.


Hence, through the artworks and the perspective of the artists, the complexity of environmental issues and wetlands have become more approachable, and it also brought the public into the constructed wetlands of the Danhan River to raise their curiosity about wetlands.


Harvesting rice leads to new ideas and action

One of the highlight of the New Taipei City Wetland ArtFest is "Harvesting rice fun." The rice fields, located at Xinhai phrase II constructed wetland, are used to filter sewage in the area. This activity presents a special opportunity to experience rice harvesting for the public, using “knowledge”, “experience” and “creativity,” while guiding the public to think about the connection between Dahan River’s constructed wetlands and rice fields, the concept of food miles, and energy conservation and carbon reduction.


The New Taipei City Wetland ArtFest brings public attention to the importance of constructed wetlands and through the translation of artists’ creations, volunteering, and public participation, this event hopes to promote environmental awareness and action.


Execution year: 2017-2018

Keywords: environmental art, environmental education



  • 執行時間:2017年-2018年

  • 執行團隊:景澤創意有限公司

  • 聯絡方式

  • 主辦機關/客戶名稱:新北市政府高灘地工程管理處


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